Last weekend, my nephews Conner (7), Micah (4) and, Joey (2) came over to spend the night. They have been asking to do this for a while and it's taken some holding-the-tongue-right to get our schedules lined up.
Rachel brought the boys over after they ate dinner on Friday. They were really excited - or so it seemed. I usually have some toys here for them to play with from my home health job. I have this great game that I haven't used yet because I don't have any kids appropriate for it yet. Sooooo - I decided to let my nephews try it out. They loved it! It was so much fun to watch them play. It's just a little battery unit that spins to bars around for the players to jump over. If someone touches a bar, it buzzes and that player is out. We played and played and played this. Here are a few of the really cool pictures:![](,+25+036.jpg)
They chose to watch Scooby Doo (some movie about Big Foot in Mexico) from our Netflix. They got all cozied in together and went to sleep in a flash as soon as it was over at about 10:00 - I know. Why would I keep them up so late? So they would fall asleep easily!! :) Joey woke up kind of scared about about 6:00 and watched cartoons with Chris and I until he fell asleep again around 7:00. The big boys just woke up on their own and started coloring. This is how I found them:
While Joey was sleeping, Conner and Micah made chocolate with our new coffee maker and were pretty excited about it!
Then they went outside and sat in the rocking chairs with Uncle Chris who was drinking coffee. They were really excited about putting a few marshmallows in their hot chocolate, too. Then it was eat breakfast (cinnamon rolls), get dressed, and go home!! Thanks for coming boys! I had so much fun!!