Griffin wasn't in the best mood this morning, so I tried again, and then again when he was eating his food later. :)
I can’t believe it’s already been 5 months! I know - everyone says that. But it’s so true. I’ve noticed that as I age time does, in fact, move faster. But now that I have a little guy - time is a speedster!!
So what has Griffin been doing between February 16th and today? A LOT!!
- He loves to laugh and smile. One of his favorite things is .... his daddy! He loves it when Chris takes on of his blankies and drags it lightly across his face. We get some of the cutest chuckles from this.
- He loves to grab onto his Yogi’s beard. ;)
- Griffin is starting to really like bathtime. I don’t want him to grow up to fast, but I think he’s really gonna have some fun when he can sit up in the tub.
- Griffin is the only person in the world that loves it when I sing! He smiles and stays awake and just stares at me when I sing silly songs.
- He loves to eat! He definitely likes oatmeal more than brown rice.
- He loves to snuggle. He will snuggle with a burpie, his softie, or his swaddle blanket. He likes to suck on his blankets, too!
- He likes to sit in his bumbo and watch Chris or I cook.
- Shame on us, but he LOVES TV. I try to have it off during the day, but in the morning we have the news on sometimes and in the evenings we turn it on. It’s crazy, but my sister figured out that he really likes Backyardigans. It soothes him as if I was holding him and bouncing him. We use Uniqua, Tasha, Pablo, Austin, and Tyrone in the evenings if he’s tired and fussy and I still need to eat dinner. :)
- He LOVES his cousins and his Aunt Rachel! He will watch those boys forever!
- Griffin is NOT a fan of being in his car seat these days. He’s not usually very excited about getting in it. I think he just wants to be moving instead of strapped down!
- If you catch him in the right mood, Griffin likes to look at books. He’s starting to grab at the pages!
- Griffin LOVES to watch Ollee. She makes him smile a lot!
- He finally likes to be rocked and I LOVE that. I turn on his music, sit down in the rocker, give him his pacifier and he’s usually gone in a few minutes. I know some people are against rocking, but I am not one of those people. If i create a monster, I’ll deal with it when my monster is not a tiny, sweet, little baby. :)
- He likes to be carried facing out. He wants to know what’s going on!
Okay - and here’s all the new stuff Griffin started doing this month!
- eating food!
- wearing size 2 diapers!
- he’s been in 9 month clothes since right before he turned 3 months
- GRABBING! He can finally reach for toys and put them in his mouth to help with his teething!
oh yeah - did I mention he has THREE teeth?
rolling from tummy to back
- grabbing his knees and feet when he’s on his back
- he LOVES to throw his little feet up in the air. My dad says it looks like he flopping around like a fish!
- his hands are ALWAYS in his mouth and he chomping, chomping, chomping.
- He had his first night away from Mommy! He spent it with his BooBoo and Yogi and all three of them loved every second of it.
- pushing up to straight arms on his tummy, and - here’s the physical therapist in me - doing prone upper extremity weight shifts!
- SITTING UP! Well, to use my PT language again, prop sitting with his arms in front.
- Went on his first road trip to OKC.
- He had his first runny nose this month. I really think it had some to do with teething. He’s really having a hard time with his third tooth and possibly his fourth one!
Griffin, you are SUCH a joy and we can’t wait to see what else is in store!
Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month:
This video is him learning to actually JUMP in the jumperoo: