And here's the true confession: Neither Chris or I had any idea how to do it! I knew how to give a baby a bath, but not with this "don't get the umbilical cord wet" notion. So, thankfully, BooBoo was there to help. She told us to be prepared because we would probably hear him scream like he never had before... and we did! But, honestly, it was kind of nice to hear those lungs working so well. The funny thing was, he started to enjoy it once he got really warm with the water. It's the lotion afterward that he really does not like! He let's me know even now that he does not appreciate my efforts to keep his skin baby soft.
Here's the little photo journey of the bath:
Daddy changing his diaper before we got started... and getting tinkled on a little. :)
And here I am getting everything ready.
As you can tell, Griffin LOVES baths (ha!)
All finished and dried off!
sweet, clean hungry baby!