Thursday, September 15, 2011

My little walker...err...wobbler

On Friday, August 19 - just four days after Griffin turned ten months old - he took his first steps.  This was right in the middle of a mean stomach bug, but Griffin took 3-4 steps and just took the breath right out of Chris and I.  It was AWESOME.  Since then, he has been teetering here and there a few times a day, getting braver and braver.  Here is the first good video we have gotten of him walking.

AND, because I am his mom and I believe in things like "new job earrings" and "first day of school shoes" and "I'm a college graduate purses" - Griffin got a pair of "I can walk now shoes."  If I don't say so myself, they are darling.

Griffin doesn't even know who Elmo is, but I love that Elmo hugs his little feet while he walks around church, or the zoo, or Aunt Rachel's house, or our yard....

Of course, Griffin thinks they are also good for snacking on.  There isn't much that isn't good for snacking on these days. :)

Griffin - our lives changed forever when you were born, and we pray every night for you to grow healthy and strong.  So, in our faith, we knew this day would come.  We knew this day of your Independent Mobility would also change our lives forever.  And, Baby, in all of our naivety (I had to look up how to spell that), we can't wait and are thrilled to literally walk with you as you continue to explore this wonderful world God has given us.


  1. if his cousins would settle down for more than a minute at a time and stop being so c-r-a-z-y, maybe he can walk more at our house!! :)

  2. beautifully said! He's got a very, "So, what's the big deal?" (very guy-ish) look in that last picture. What a little man!
