Sunday, April 17, 2011

No stinkin' way...

This last month as REALLY flown sweet little bitty teeny tiny itsy bitsy bitty bitty baby is SIX MONTHS OLD! (This is really long and has lots of pictures...but give me a break.  In the grand scheme of things, this blog is really for me to look back at 18 years from now when I'm crying my eyes out because Griffin is leaving for ATM or give me break and let me have all the pictures I want. :) )

So, what has Mr. Griffin been up to this month?  Growing TEETH!  He cut his sixth tooth yesterday, the day he turned six months old.  It's just crazy that he has so many!

He also has been LOVING being in his jumperoo.  He really jumps and he really plays with all the toys on it, too.


 Griffin also met his new cousin, Bonnie.   And just like everything else in his life, he wanted to put her in his mouth. :)

 Griffin graduated to a new car seat!  Good bye old heavy infant carrier!!  Cup holders here we come!

And with the new carseat, came new adventures at restaurants.  This is how Griffin rolls now:

 Oh - and he's been eating.  LOTS.  He's kept up with his cereal routine:

And he tried avocados...Let's just say they are probably not going to be his favorite.  Look at those trusting eyes...

 How could we give him something so terrible??

These next few are just a few of my favorites...Forgive the big cheesy smile on Griffin's mom's face.

 Okay - some other little points to remember:
- Griffin spent another night by himself with Yogi and BooBoo - and not Mommy and Daddy.  He did even better than the last time!
- Griffin rode on the tire swing at our house for the first time and LOVED it!
- Griffin went to story time at the library with Aunt Rachel and Joey and apparently really likes it - and the puppets they have!
- Griffin is really working on sitting up by himself.  He can do it with his hands on the floor, but not for very long without his hands on the floor.  So far, he's up to 8 seconds with "look mom, no hands!"
- Griffin cut his fourth tooth on 4/6, his fifth tooth on 4/14, and his sixth tooth on 4/15.
- Griffin giggles up a storm when we tickle his fat little thighs
- Griffin just LOVES Ollee.  He has been watching her, but he now reaches for her and giggles when she comes around.  Ollee has been really good with him, too.
- Griffin pushes up on his tummy with his arms completely straight.  He rolls ALL over the floor.  He LOVES to bounce, sitting, standing, any position he's in.
- Griffin likes to help mommy or daddy turn the pages in his books at night.
- One of Griffin's favorite times is right before bathtime when daddy plays with him.  I hear some of the sweetest laughs then (and some of the goofiest sounds from Daddy!)
- Griffin is starting to really recognize Aunt Rachel's house.  He smiles when he realizes he's there.  I love that.  It feels so good to be able to leave him somewhere he's happy.  Thank you forever Aunt Rachel!
- I still call Griffin Boogi, Baby, and Boogi Bear...I hear Chris calling Griffin Stinky Pants sometimes. :)

Griffin, we love you SO much and are so so proud of you.  You have already taught us so much and we are thrilled to continue to watch you grow.  But SLOW down!!  It's all happening way too fast!  I'm doing my very best to absolutely cherish every second I spend with you - even in the middle of the night.  (Those are actually some of my favorite times when I have you all to myself!)  Your dad and I both try so hard to find that balance between loving you  and trying not to spoil you.  We desperately want your happiness, so it's hard to let you cry, but we want to be good parents, too - and it's because you are so special!  For some reason we don't know but are so thankful for, God decided to protect YOU and to allow us to take YOU home for the NICU as a healthy, healthy little boy - when some people we knew did not get to take their babies home as healthy...You are a wonderful miracle and we are called to protect you more and to nurture you and raise you to grow in wisdom and stature like Jesus did.  Thanks for loving us, too, with you beautiful little smile and gurgle-ee giggles and oh-so-wonderful snuggles...Love you forever, Griffers!

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