Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Mother's Day and Baby Dedication

May 8, 2011 was my first real Mother's Day.  I am so lucky to have gotten to spend it with two of the best mothers on the entire planet: MY mom (which makes me super blessed), and my older sister, Rachel, who is also Griffin's "mom" two days a week while I am at church.  Woo hoo!  What a day!

It was also the baby blessing/dedication at our church.  Rachel snapped  few shots for me:

You can't really see him, but my dad is behind Chris doing an elder's blessing for our family.  The other elder in the picture is Mike Gilbert.  But here is a little shot I got of Griffin and Dad.  (I LOVE the outfit Griffin has on...this is one I'll keep forEVER.)

Then Dad took us all to lunch.  Griffin figured out that he's not supposed to get most things on the table...and so these are the things he wanted the MOST.  Ha!  He was funny!

And what did I get on Mother's day?  Griffin left this for me over night (somehow!) and it was waiting for me when I woke up!

And Chris left me a card with a message that he's going to get me some shoes!  This is the last part of the card... you get the idea:

And here we are, me and my little prince...on my first Mother's Day.   Thank you Chris and Griffin for making me the happiest mommy in the world!

1 comment:

  1. SO, so precious!! Makes me re-live some of my first mommy-days!! Love you sweet, girl, and enjoyed keeping that baby boy a few hours today!!
