Tuesday, October 2, 2012

just me

So, is it okay to write a post with no pictures?  Just to log some feelings? Anyone?

Okay - here goes.

Whew!!  So, we moved.  If you don't know the whole story - that was sort of kept under wraps for a while, here goes:

Chris got a new job - a great, wonderful, exciting new job - that is part time.  Yep.  All the things that go along with part time work.  The good news is, he loves it, they love him, and we are praying (join us, won't you?) that this will be made into full time work (and pay) soon.

So - We loved our house in Cresson.  Love the house.  The location?  Well, we drove.  A lot.  And having an almost two year old, we learned that spending entire afternoons in the car just to run a few errands is not that fun.  So, we decided it couldn't hurt to put our house on the market, right?  Just to see what would happen?

In the mean time, a dear friend introduced us to a new little neighborhood in Fort Worth where we would be about as close to my work as we could be and NOT be in FWISD.  It is new homes, ONE-stories available (which I love) and in our price range.

This is getting crazy, right?  So, we gave it to God.  Chris and I held hands and prayed the night before we decided to put our house on the market and said, God if you want us to make this move, our house will sell for at least this ** amount.  If not, we'll walk away from this opportunity and keep our lovely home in Cresson.  And God, so we don't go crazy, if you want this to happen, sell it quick.

Next Day:  Sign goes up.  Family comes and looks.  Family makes an offer.  Three more families come and look in the next three days.  Two more offers.  Bidding war.  First family offers $1000 more than we were asking.  Wham Bam.  House under contract in FOUR days.

Whoa.  Got it, God.  You want us gone. :)

So, we were thinking about building, right?  So no house to live in once said house is sold...where will we live?  After apartment hunting and wondering and a few gray hairs, we were made an offer in Burleson.  We decided to live in a trailer there - the one my sister lived in for a while with great landlords.  It's awesome to be so close to Rachel and family - and Jodi and family.   There's still a creek, there are still lots of bugs, it's really not too bad.   We are projected a move again to our new home in January or February.

My sweet Griffin is finally getting adjusted to his new home.  Rachel so wisely said, "Now he'll be an ol' pro when it's time for you to move again!"  Ha, we can hope!

I turned 30.  Thirty.  I have so much to be thankful for as a thirty year old and I'm trying to dwell in that gratefulness.  There are some empty holes in my heart that continue to try and rain on my grateful places, but I mostly dwell in sunny, dry gratefulness.  Praise God.

Oh - and Chris kept a secret from me on my birthday!  He had a surprise gathering of my family - including his parents! - at BJ's on Saturday night.  It was a lovely end to a trying day with my little almost two year old.  Thanks everyone!

In other news, Griffin is a delight.  He's starting a new school again in a couple of weeks but this is the one right across the street from Cook's and I think it's gonna be great.  Hopefully no more jumping around for this little guy.

That's about all I can handle for now.  But these are all important life events that should be logged it this thing is gonna continue to be called a blog. :)


  1. As much as I love hearing all about Griffin, I really love hearing about you too. Thanks for the thoughts. You are always, always in my prayers. Love you.

  2. I always delight in hearing about you, too!...

    Love hearing about your giving-it-to-God experience. I'm glad you've got it recorded. It's one you'll be relating to Griffin in his adult years, just as we've related our experiences. Stories need to be told and passed on...
