Friday, December 10, 2010

Griffin's First Thanksgiving

Okay - So, I'm a little late getting this posted. I admit it.

This year for Thanksgiving, everyone - EVERYone - came to our house. Chris's parents came Wednesday evening and stayed through Friday. All of my family came on Thursday for lunch. It was awesome to have 16 people for Thanksgiving! I'm gonna kind of cop out and post this link to my sister, Rachel's blog for Thanksgiving.

Griffin had a great time. His Nana brought him a First Thanksgiving little onsie:
He also got some cuddle time with his mommy, Nana, and his cousins! He got passed around all day - and I was a little frantic about "keeping his schedule." I've thought better of it now - when he's with family, especially grandparents, I should probably forget about the schedule and just let him get loved on. Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

  1. You were a geat hostess and Chris was a great host. Thanks for allowing us ALL to come!
